Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Letter From Me To Me

This is basically a letter that I have written, my present self, for myself, my future self. I'm sorry if that didn't make any sense at all. But here we the letter!


Dear Future Me, 

Well hello there. What brings you back here, future me? Someone might have reminded you that you wrote a blog before, which might be the main reason why you're here or you just reminisced memories of the past or it just magically popped up due to technical problems of some sort or maybe or maybe...eeeehhhh. Who cares? What matters is you remembered! :)

So how are you? I hope you're doing well with whatever you are doing or whatever you are going through. I'm not entirely sure about what you're doing because before we both had absolutely no clue about what we would do in the future. Which in your case, the present.  We were pretty confused back then or just really thought too much about things (that's what they said).  I hope you're doing what you enjoy doing because if you're not then I think it's probably time to do what you really want. How would I know, you may ask. I don't. But you might regret for not trying when you're just hanging by a thread later on and that's one thing I hope we stop experiencing, regret. It's awful and it's painful going through it over and over again. Never again would I want you to feel that way. Okay? Okay. :D

If life decided to give you a box full of lemons. Don't fret dear. Things will get better. Look at the brighter side, you get to have maybe a month supply of lemonade. Yum!
Someone once said: "To any of you that may be going through a hard time, things DO get better. It may not feel like it, but with a few little changes, they will. Nobody leads the perfect life, and things that you aren't prepared for may get thrown at you, and sometimes it's really very hard to battle those problems and sticky life situations. I just want you to know that you can do it. It might take days, weeks, months or years. Everything happens for a reason and everything we go through moulds us as people and make us who we are". Well said Zoella ( Well said. 

I think I have said enough for you to think about the past. I'm not sure if you remember but you were pretty messed up. I'm kidding.haha. Well a little bit. But it's because of your messed up self that you're where you are right now. I hope somewhere good. I know you are. I hope I didn't jinx it though. I'm sorry if this ended up as a "this just ruined me letter" kind of letter. I want you to lie down or sit down (whatever your prefer) or even sit upside down. *wink*wink*.
Think about the past. Some memories may be "stinky like raw fish" (Hey Anna!) or awesome-smelling (Yes I just said awesome-smelling) old books. But it never hurts to remember them. They basically molded the person you came to be. 

I didn't really write much about what you were and what you did before but I leave it all to you to remember. :)

Before we part ways though, future self I would like to wish you for nothing but the best, stop thinking too much, do good stuff, and DETERMINATION my friend. Determination.
Bye-bye now. :)

P.S. Raw fish is not that stinky. I love sushi.haha :D
I hope you still do. And old books are the bomb! Well...all books in general. You could just smell them all day.