Friday, September 21, 2012

La-la Land

Have you ever wondered if we could escape from reality? Even just for a moment be out of touch with the real world? Just to be in a place where everything goes the way you want it and to feel like the world is just plainly amazing, like how you imagined a world of your own would be. We shall call this place our "La-la Land". A world where we could do anything we want, without limitations… without anyone checking on us… without the scrutiny of other people.  It’s a world where we are the stars, not a sight of villains haunting us.
Impossible you say? Well you're wrong. It is possible. It just takes some belief and a whole lot of imagination. A La-la Land can be anything you want it to be. It could be a land full of food or a place where everything is literally made of candy. It could be anywhere too. It could be under your bed, in your garden, anywhere. It's all up to you.
Your La-la land has to be a place where you could be comfortable and just be… you. If you would ask me, I suggest you keep this place under the table because its magic or its peachy spark tends to disappear when another finds out about it.  Want to try creating your own La-la land?  Go ahead and don’t be afraid to explore the wonders of the universe. I believe that you have what it takes to create one.  It has been within us ever since. We just haven't found out yet. In another world, your world. 

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