Friday, January 4, 2013

Three Words To Stand On

Spoken or written words usually come and go.  Some would mean nothing and some would mean everything.  There are words that we usually take for granted but there are also words that mean the whole world to us.  Personally, I believe that there are three words we use to stand on.
What are these these words, you might ask? These words can keep some of us strong and hard as a rock.  Sometimes they can leave us with nothing.. literally nothing. Honestly the thought of these words can make us make up crazy things to either sustain them or just lose them. All we need to know is that the outcome of these words are dynamic. It may be good or bad. Good in a way that they can be source of happiness or inspiration. Bad in a way that they can break the person or possibly change a person’s whole being. These words should be used carefully for they can greatly affect a person’s emotional side.  Nowadays, these words are said with no care at all. Some say them sincerely and some don't. We can't really say which is which now that most people take these words for granted. Like they're just plain words, they're not. They stick like super glue to a person's mind – and heart - especially to a person who means a lot to you. That's not plain at all. Normal words don't really stick that much.  They would sometimes just exit the other way once they enter the other. Nonetheless, there are words that can linger enough and definitely, these four words are one of them.
These words are far greater than what they seem. They are the start and end to every relationship. What are these words? The words that we stand on..
I ---- you. Your words. Your choice. 

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