Saturday, June 30, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Our Ultimate Force Field

Music…doesn't it just take you away from reality and brings you somewhere where you really want to be. Every peewee detail of it is simply perfect. I don't know why, but when I feel all so lonely, music is always there for me. It knows exactly what to say just to perk me up all over again. Music means something more to me. It's more than just rhythm and blues. Something about it just creates a corner where I could stay. When things go wrong and I need a moment to breathe, just sitting in that corner makes everything okay. The real world is pretty much a nightmare already but I know that I have music, my place to escape.
When things don't go the way you planned them to be and you feel terrified,music could be your comfort zone, your force field from everything. All you have to do is pop in your earphones or tune up your radio, and listen. It’s not really shutting off yourself from the world or anything. Listening to music could somehow give you a soothing, healing and comforting balm.
Some people (not anyone that I know or heard of) would think that those who love, like really LOVE music,would push others away and completely ignore the world out there; but no, not at all. Music when shared is one thing that could make one person feel really special, unique, and safe. It could do wonder, like bringing people back to each other. It unites rather than separates. It adds color and meaning to life. Moreover, music could reflect one's personality. Depending on the kind of genre of music he/she listens to, part of him/her is revealed. Music mirrors a person’s life. Music is really something much more than what we think it to be. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

I wish I could

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to go with the wind and let it take you where it wants to go?
Well, I did...numerous times to be honest. Adding to the thrill is the fact that you have absolutely no idea where you're going to end up. I'm usually the kind of person who is not willing to take risks. But thinking about all the opportunities life can give, it would be nice to it a try and step out of the box every once in a while. At the end, I bet I would feel really great knowing that I did something I never thought I could ever do. What gave me this insight was the time when I saw a picture of pieces of a dying dandelion being blown away by the wind and thought how free they were. Sometimes I wish I could just shrink myself, small enough so that I can hang on to one of those pieces and just allow it to take me anywhere. Thoughts started to stir in my mind what could have happened if I were one of those delicate pieces. It just left me completely breathless.
Reality can take over and just drain the excitement of it all. How one would see it in reality: A soft hairy thing floating around that will eventually end up on the ground. To make life more thrilling or to add some spark all we need is a bucket of imagination. It's refreshing, believe me and I hope you would. 'Life is never easy'and we should accept that fact. But going into "your own world" even just for a moment, would make things a lot better. There are a lot of problems in life; it wouldn't hurt to be in the imagination zone for a while. You can't allow all these dilemmas heap up or your brain could just burst. While we're still young, live life to the absolute fullest. Sure, we make mistakes here and there but at the end of it all is a lesson that we will remember all throughout our years. So here's the recap, loosen up a bit! Don't take life too seriously. Maybe break the rules sometimes (except the big ones, follow them!). And if life hits a nerve...close your eyes, take a deep breath, and skedaddle, to your very own solitary world where all you could ever be is free.