Friday, August 17, 2012

Shake Them Out

We all have gone through a feeling where we become jittery, jumpy, and anxious. Of course we did so many times.  Honestly, this feeling sort of disturbs me.  I think a lot of us feel this way too. These butterflies in our stomach are usually felt when tests, competitions, events or some stuff that we are involved in are coming up. Why do we feel this way? Well, simply because we don't want to mess up... We pressure ourselves to do it right. Our nerves cause adrenaline rush and this can actually help us or disappoint us depending on how we handle the situation.  And yet when we let our adrenaline be our alter ego, it sometimes could help.This anxiety attacks scare me a bit but for some, the feeling excites them.  They take pleasure in the rush and excitement it brings.  Our nerves would sometimes scare us off too, making us paranoid of what might happen and what not.  Sometimes it pushes us at the edge of finally giving up.  But we should not let that happen. Being nervous is just a phase when we're out of our comfort zone and when we are put in a place that requires us to exert some extra effort, or when we are in a "do or die" situation, which may not come that often.
The best thing to do when we experience this is for us to do what eases us when we get anxious.  It could be eating or moving around or just humming or simply, be engaged in something that would while away the time.  Before we knew it, the “crisis” is over. The bottom line is, “Don't let your nerves take over you, straighten up and shake them all off and the results will leave you smiling like the Cheshire cat.”

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