Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Young Blood

We're all still young and naive. Our thoughts and emotions change like the wind. We end up being in-between two roads that might make or break us and we find a way to get out and get it over with. It gets really hard to control what we do sometimes. But we try our hardest to be the best and those who doubt us should know that. In the process of growing up, we eventually go through some mess-ups. We get low grades, we lose friends, we gain enemies, we break promises, we make stupid decisions, we all have regrets. All these define who we are. We are imperfect. The youth is imperfect. But these things aren't the only ones that make us up.  Beyond all those there are some good things too. But they vary in every person. More often than not, we can't help but count our flaws. We get insecure that we build up walls around us and when things get better, we try to claw our way out. We start to feel our selves permeate through the walls and finally break through.
While we are young, we try to do as much as we can. Like one line from song, “We lie beneath the stars, we keep secrets hope to die, and promises, swear them to the sky.” We do the unexpected and the expected depending on what dilemma we are in. There will be times that we will succeed but most of the time, we will crumble and fall. All of these run through the youth's veins. As unpredictable as we may seem, we stay strong. That’s how resilient we are.When things don't go as planned and everything seems to be all over the place, we will do everything to put things back into perspective. A lot of the people around us don't see us sweating our butts off though. Don't be deceived by what you see, we have something more inside. The youth might seem unbearable; we might seem insane, and indestructible. But we can change.   It may not be sooner than you expected. But yes, we will change. Only time can tell.
The youth isn’t all what it seems. We might appear hard and rough from the outside but inside, we are completely soft and mushy.  There’s no other reason but this: young blood runs within us.

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