Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sadness Is A Blessing

Sadness is a blessing. It might sound really wrong but I believe it is a blessing. When things go wrong especially when things just don’t go as how we planned it to be, we are bound to feel unhappy.We are filled with a lot of feelings we can bear with  but sometimes we can't take them any longer. We could be dumbfounded, depressed,speechless, or just numb - feeling nothing. Sometimes, we just want to fade into the background, not be minded by anything around us…like we are invisible. We try our best to look as if we’re okay. We don’t want to trouble the people around us. But when we are finally alone, we tend to break down. Happiness seems elusive or far away. We simply surrender. There would always be something that gets away, something that gets through. But there are also things that would stay. We take the problems we face too seriously that it eventually leads us to feeling down. It might be a little weird but some find this feeling quite comforting. I think that feeling this way somehow makes us feel a bit better about the situation. It is like a way to release all the worries we have been caving in. Just the very feeling when you're completely invisible. But some people take it the wrong way when we let out what's slowly killing us inside. They see it more of us wanting to get attention from the crowd or just shutting the whole world away. But it's absolutely not like that. People who are currently feeling this way should be left alone to breathe for a while. We might feel a little helpless but when we have finally conquered and recovered from the dreadful roller coaster ride we got ourselves into, we earn a new formed strength that is a lot stronger than the one we had before. No one deserves to go through such a pain like this but this should be experienced. This might seem dysfunctional but it turns out to be beautiful. But a beauty that won't last… because things start to heal itself as time goes by.
Sadness could be a fool sometimes but it sometimes brings forward wonderful things that we thought were never there. When we experience sadness, we start to become braver, stronger, and a better person that we thought we could never become. The healing process might seem to take forever but it's definitely coming. Sadness might be one of the burdens in life that we carry but it is a good burden that will surely help and change us someday. After all, sadness is a wonderful feeling...A blessing that has given us a lovely scar that we will never forget for a very long time.

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