Monday, August 19, 2013


Life started out really cool before and is still now, but a certain funk started to grow on me. A funk that made me feel absolutely nothing. As much as I wished that this funk never found me, it has. Recently, I don't really know what to feel about anything and it scares me a little bit. The wonderful things that life offers I tend to push away just because I lack the determination or enthusiasm to do them, thus making me miss so much time that I was given to be here on this planet. I keep making up excuses just to get away from them but I don't want to push them away anymore and if we're both on the same page, we both should stop. And we have to admit it is getting really tiring to keep on hiding from these things.

No more lackadaisical me. No more lackadaisical you. No more lackadaisical anybody. What we have to do now is find that spark that will maybe restore the enthusiasm that we have lost. Enthusiasm we need you!

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