Monday, August 19, 2013

We Finally Spoke

In one day we were able to finally let out what we all have been keeping inside. We poured out every bit of emotion we had in every fiber of our being. Through this the section somehow became closer, closer than we were before. After it we all have grown quite comfortable with each other.

Before that we had an immersion with an environment that was just simply beautiful. Being in the countryside I somehow felt a bit free in the sense that everything was so open: fresh air, unlimited crops, and friendly neighbors. They had everything they needed most especially the people they care for, that's what mattered. No matter how difficult life can get they stood by each other together, awesome. 
What we had was a real emotional roller coaster ride. What we never knew we had the ability to do or so was revealed. The good in every one seen. Through this immersion and recollection we were able to see the flaws that we should fix and the good that we can do. We've got our whole life to figure it out. 

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