Monday, August 19, 2013

The World Works In Mysterious Ways

Sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down, the world wants it to stay that way. Why? If everything made sense and everything always went the way we want it to be, where's the adventure in that. No more questions to be asked, no more puzzles to solve, no more experiments to test, no more adventures to more. Oh just old plain life. The world wants to challenge us and the challenges that it gives can be jaw-dropping but there are "easy as pie" challenges too, don't worry. But the world always leaves us guessing on what's next. When we ask, all it says is "Stay tuned". Staying tuned we shall be.

We never know what's happening tomorrow but we are asked to be ready for it. When the time comes that something pushes down we can simply get up and shake it off. The world can get really mysterious but we shouldn't just sit and stare and wait for things to happen. The world wants to be explored and it wants us to accept every challenge it offers. Let's not be naive or cocky about these challenges. We have to be cautious in every step we make and maybe take some risks here and there, but always cautious. We can never be too sure. We don't know what the world wants next. What's out there, are you ready?

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