Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Letter From Me To Me

This is basically a letter that I have written, my present self, for myself, my future self. I'm sorry if that didn't make any sense at all. But here we the letter!


Dear Future Me, 

Well hello there. What brings you back here, future me? Someone might have reminded you that you wrote a blog before, which might be the main reason why you're here or you just reminisced memories of the past or it just magically popped up due to technical problems of some sort or maybe or maybe...eeeehhhh. Who cares? What matters is you remembered! :)

So how are you? I hope you're doing well with whatever you are doing or whatever you are going through. I'm not entirely sure about what you're doing because before we both had absolutely no clue about what we would do in the future. Which in your case, the present.  We were pretty confused back then or just really thought too much about things (that's what they said).  I hope you're doing what you enjoy doing because if you're not then I think it's probably time to do what you really want. How would I know, you may ask. I don't. But you might regret for not trying when you're just hanging by a thread later on and that's one thing I hope we stop experiencing, regret. It's awful and it's painful going through it over and over again. Never again would I want you to feel that way. Okay? Okay. :D

If life decided to give you a box full of lemons. Don't fret dear. Things will get better. Look at the brighter side, you get to have maybe a month supply of lemonade. Yum!
Someone once said: "To any of you that may be going through a hard time, things DO get better. It may not feel like it, but with a few little changes, they will. Nobody leads the perfect life, and things that you aren't prepared for may get thrown at you, and sometimes it's really very hard to battle those problems and sticky life situations. I just want you to know that you can do it. It might take days, weeks, months or years. Everything happens for a reason and everything we go through moulds us as people and make us who we are". Well said Zoella ( Well said. 

I think I have said enough for you to think about the past. I'm not sure if you remember but you were pretty messed up. I'm kidding.haha. Well a little bit. But it's because of your messed up self that you're where you are right now. I hope somewhere good. I know you are. I hope I didn't jinx it though. I'm sorry if this ended up as a "this just ruined me letter" kind of letter. I want you to lie down or sit down (whatever your prefer) or even sit upside down. *wink*wink*.
Think about the past. Some memories may be "stinky like raw fish" (Hey Anna!) or awesome-smelling (Yes I just said awesome-smelling) old books. But it never hurts to remember them. They basically molded the person you came to be. 

I didn't really write much about what you were and what you did before but I leave it all to you to remember. :)

Before we part ways though, future self I would like to wish you for nothing but the best, stop thinking too much, do good stuff, and DETERMINATION my friend. Determination.
Bye-bye now. :)

P.S. Raw fish is not that stinky. I love sushi.haha :D
I hope you still do. And old books are the bomb! Well...all books in general. You could just smell them all day. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

I Don't Know

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to say something but don't know what you want to say, you just want to be heard or listened to. Sometimes we just have no idea what we really want and its hard to do anything at all. We tend to keep it inside because others might see it as a way to seek for attention but it's not like that at all.

Sometimes you just need something for no absolute reason, just because. Life is full of questions that is left unanswered and it stays that way. But things can change too through a little exploring. It's just never obtained easily. There are some things left unknown and we have the time in the world to see if they really are or not. 


Life can get really difficult sometimes that you just feel like giving up. Sometimes all we need is to slow down and take a breath, we need it. Life goes on but we can't live it like it's a race course. We tend to miss the wonderful things that the world has but when we slow down we see it's true beauty, everything it is and it can offer. Living life in a rush is not living at all. We weren't brought into this world to work work work. We are here to know what our purpose in life is and to experience everything. Living life as much as we can.

Let's not forget that we've got so much time to do anything we desire. Let's not get carried away. Take a breathe and look around you, you might have missed something incredible.

Can't Sleep

There are things in life may it be something you saw, something you heard, something you realized, something you felt, something someone said...

that can leave you thinking till the wee hours of the day. 

We Finally Spoke

In one day we were able to finally let out what we all have been keeping inside. We poured out every bit of emotion we had in every fiber of our being. Through this the section somehow became closer, closer than we were before. After it we all have grown quite comfortable with each other.

Before that we had an immersion with an environment that was just simply beautiful. Being in the countryside I somehow felt a bit free in the sense that everything was so open: fresh air, unlimited crops, and friendly neighbors. They had everything they needed most especially the people they care for, that's what mattered. No matter how difficult life can get they stood by each other together, awesome. 
What we had was a real emotional roller coaster ride. What we never knew we had the ability to do or so was revealed. The good in every one seen. Through this immersion and recollection we were able to see the flaws that we should fix and the good that we can do. We've got our whole life to figure it out. 

In A Snap

I think we all have an idea of how fast things can really change. One second it was good and smooth sailing next thing you you're in a deserted island, shipwrecked (I don't really mean it literally. Just exaggerating a bit). I never really thought about these stuff but I was just looking through some photos and I found this photo or it found me...

Just like that everything can change.

I Blinked

In a blink of an eye a lot things can change. Let it be something amazing or something scary, would you still open your eyes? But whether we like it or not we always do. A risk we all take. 

The World Works In Mysterious Ways

Sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down, the world wants it to stay that way. Why? If everything made sense and everything always went the way we want it to be, where's the adventure in that. No more questions to be asked, no more puzzles to solve, no more experiments to test, no more adventures to more. Oh just old plain life. The world wants to challenge us and the challenges that it gives can be jaw-dropping but there are "easy as pie" challenges too, don't worry. But the world always leaves us guessing on what's next. When we ask, all it says is "Stay tuned". Staying tuned we shall be.

We never know what's happening tomorrow but we are asked to be ready for it. When the time comes that something pushes down we can simply get up and shake it off. The world can get really mysterious but we shouldn't just sit and stare and wait for things to happen. The world wants to be explored and it wants us to accept every challenge it offers. Let's not be naive or cocky about these challenges. We have to be cautious in every step we make and maybe take some risks here and there, but always cautious. We can never be too sure. We don't know what the world wants next. What's out there, are you ready?

A Puzzle To Solve
Everyday, something different happens. Good or bad we'll stumble upon it. Oh how mysterious the world can be. What are we going to do next? We'll have to wait and see...


Life started out really cool before and is still now, but a certain funk started to grow on me. A funk that made me feel absolutely nothing. As much as I wished that this funk never found me, it has. Recently, I don't really know what to feel about anything and it scares me a little bit. The wonderful things that life offers I tend to push away just because I lack the determination or enthusiasm to do them, thus making me miss so much time that I was given to be here on this planet. I keep making up excuses just to get away from them but I don't want to push them away anymore and if we're both on the same page, we both should stop. And we have to admit it is getting really tiring to keep on hiding from these things.

No more lackadaisical me. No more lackadaisical you. No more lackadaisical anybody. What we have to do now is find that spark that will maybe restore the enthusiasm that we have lost. Enthusiasm we need you!

Not Anymore

I always hoped that having the lack of enthusiasm for living life would never come to me. But some things just find ways to get to you. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Not Quite Who I Am

Our reputation, is that who we are?
The desire to maintain our reputation prevent us from being who we are. Reputation doesn't define us. What truly defines us is what we really are but it seems like nobody knows that but ourselves. We have to set these insecurities away. These are the things that people see you as but not who you really are. Some people devote their energies in pursuit of building a good reputation. In a society like ours, it is very hard to gain and quite easy to lose. People look up to you when you have a good name. It is also a reality that all the years of hard work to maintain a good reputation, in just one fatal mistake, it can change in a blink of an eye. Thinking not to disgrace our reputation, we take caution in every move we make, making sure nothing changes, causing us to be something we're not quite are. Honestly, we do this everyday we just don't realize it anymore. How do we know? Well, we will know if it seems like we act differently in different places like at home or in school. A different reputation at home and a different one for school too. Fairly, it starts to feel like a burden sometimes. We seem to be like a puppet controlled by the reputation that we have. These strings finally come off when nobody's looking.
Life is kinda built on the reputation we have. If it isn't that good then things don't really go as well as we hope it should. But it depends on how we handle it. If our reputation is good then things are bound to be good but not all the time. But again, it can change. We can never say. But to sum it up, we shouldn't let our reputation rule us nor let it dictate us on what to do. But what we are and who we want to be have a fine line between them. Knowing who we really are and sticking to it will eventually make us feel at peace with ourselves.

Sometimes it gets too hard that 
you start to lose yourself.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Waiting For My Sun To Shine

Problems, struggles, painful experiences and other negative emotions make some days feel like rainy days. I figure, no one is spared of these. Everyone goes through this ‘unpleasant’ stage in life. It is part of life’s journey. When things are sinking and we feel like we are drowning with life’s ocean of challenges, we should have faith that hope is just around the corner. We just need to dig deeper and look at every nook and cranny to find it. The storms that we are in is just a phase in our lives that will pass. These things come unexpected. Nobody expects these problems to come. They’re the least we need in life but inevitably, they haunt us wherever we go. Honestly, they are hard to conquer but it would take the warrior in us to overcome them. All these things happen for a reason. We all experienced them and for a few, light never came. But I could honestly say that these moments are one of the things we would never ever  forget… and that these challenges changed us into someone better… and stronger.
What is important is there is always sunlight after the rain. Somehow somewhere… that glimmer of hope will twinkle during the dark moments of our life. Though some things take time to heal, even if it may take forever, it will definitely come.While we're waiting for our sun to shine we have to stay strong. Light will come.  Hope will be there to pick us up and bring things together again. All we need to do is wait.

Waiting.. Hoping...
The road may be bumpy now but the sun will shine in no time. All you need to do is wait and hope.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Three Words To Stand On

Spoken or written words usually come and go.  Some would mean nothing and some would mean everything.  There are words that we usually take for granted but there are also words that mean the whole world to us.  Personally, I believe that there are three words we use to stand on.
What are these these words, you might ask? These words can keep some of us strong and hard as a rock.  Sometimes they can leave us with nothing.. literally nothing. Honestly the thought of these words can make us make up crazy things to either sustain them or just lose them. All we need to know is that the outcome of these words are dynamic. It may be good or bad. Good in a way that they can be source of happiness or inspiration. Bad in a way that they can break the person or possibly change a person’s whole being. These words should be used carefully for they can greatly affect a person’s emotional side.  Nowadays, these words are said with no care at all. Some say them sincerely and some don't. We can't really say which is which now that most people take these words for granted. Like they're just plain words, they're not. They stick like super glue to a person's mind – and heart - especially to a person who means a lot to you. That's not plain at all. Normal words don't really stick that much.  They would sometimes just exit the other way once they enter the other. Nonetheless, there are words that can linger enough and definitely, these four words are one of them.
These words are far greater than what they seem. They are the start and end to every relationship. What are these words? The words that we stand on..
I ---- you. Your words. Your choice. 

Stuck Like Glue
The words you choose to say sticks like glue to the 
person who hears.